It takes one look at a gas station sign and seeing its exorbitant price to make you want to do whatever you can to cut down on the amount of fuel you use and save your wallet. From driving to your job, running errands to enjoying a cross-country road trip, there’s many tips you can employ to make the most of your tank. Keep up on maintenance, know your vehicle, understand your driving habits, upgrade your vehicle and more. Read on as we outline these top 5 tips to improve your Toyota’ fuel efficiency.
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At-Home Maintenance
We here at Upper James Toyota are always here to service your vehicle, but there’s also a lot you can do in-between to ensure your vehicle is always in its best condition. Be sure to keep up on your Toyota at-home as well as at our dealership. There are little things you can do that add up, such as ensuring your tires stay at their proper pressure, not over-taxing your vehicle and only keeping items inside that truly matter, and even using some of our cleaner products like Toyota Genuine Complete Fuel System Cleaner to clean out your fuel system, all from your garage.
Dealership Maintenance
Of course, you’ll need to visit our dealership for your typical regularly scheduled maintenance. Keeping up with your maintenance schedule is important for having your vehicle at its top potential at all times. Regular maintenance is recommended around every 6 months or 8,000 km, where our technicians will service everything from oil to tires to brakes and so much more.
Understand Your Vehicle
A lot of people skip reading over their owner’s manual, but it’s an important part of getting to know your vehicle, so that you can treat it to the demands that work best for it. This could include everything from what type of fuel works best in your vehicle, to its service intervals. Every vehicle is different, so ensure you’re treating it how it was made to be.
Hone Your Driving Habits
Fuel efficiency doesn’t all come down to the mechanical components of the vehicle, but also how you actually drive the vehicle, which is different from person to person. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when driving, to help you get the most from your tank. Accelerate lightly, don’t be heavy on the pedal, and ensure you coast into deceleration, and don’t slam on it either. We know how tempting it can be, but don’t idle your vehicle, as it can use more gas than stopping and starting again. Utilize features like cruise control when you’re on long straight-aways like a highway.
Upgrade to an Electric Vehicle
Electric vehicles are the way of the future, and for good reason. If you’re currently driving a gas vehicle, you’ll be amazed at the fuel efficiency jump that comes with driving a hybrid or electric vehicle. Considering the consistently high gas prices, it’s never a bad investment to make your next vehicle electric, and perfect for you is that Toyota has a long line of electric/hybrid models, from the Corolla to the RAV4 to the Tacoma and more.
Get Better Fuel Efficiency at Upper James Toyota
We can help you maintain better fuel efficiency at Upper James Toyota. Our service department is here for your maintenance needs, while our sales department is standing by to help you find the next hybrid or electric vehicle that will shepherd you into a more efficient future. Contact our dealership for all the assistance you need.